Friday 2 October 2015

Oh my Bengaluru!!!

One day in bengaluru, I decided to watch the recent released will smith movie "I am legend" in malleshwaram mall. The show was houseful and there was excitement on everyone's face. As the  movie started it didn't take much time to realize the brilliant script. I could hear people whistling, shouting in happiness throughout the movie. At the end of climax, the whole arena was pin-drop silent. It had such adorable climax, it made me completely lost even after the film ended.

       Came out of the multiplex thinking about the best things in the movie. As I walked down the stairs of the mall(still thinking about the movie in mind), it didn't take me much time to realize that there were no people inside the mall. I looked around few shops but there were no signs of any one. Where were the people who were with me in movie hall? So many questions inside my head. Mall was completely empty and half lighted. It looked scary, I could literally count my heart beats. I was all alone in a 6 storey building and stranded in middle floor.  

         Within few seconds I heard foot steps approaching me, it grew louder and louder. I saw shining eyes from mirror which was right in front of me. The eye count which I saw was more than 25 easily. I didn't have patience to look back since the movie was still running back of my mind. Were they the zombies or some thing else. I didn't want to come to any conclusion and started running so fast that I could have beaten Usain Bolt on that day. I kept running and running and didn't even realize I had come out of mall ages ago. The bright sun and my scary running didn't help my cause. I fainted in middle of the road.

Sketch of me running scared.
           By the time I woke up, Sun was setting at a rapid rate. Darkness was upon me. Stood up with great difficulty and I was in front of majestic bus stand. I could see the buses stranded and by looks of it, buses were rusty and worn out. Suddenly, I heard a sound of a train from nearby railway station. Walked towards the sound slowly since it was dark and visibility was poor with only few street lights on.

          Entered the railway station. Crossed across few platforms. There was still no sign of people. Sat in the 3rd platform since I wasn't sure on which platform train would arrive. Luckily the engine of the train was diverted to platform 3. The train slowly arrived and I started looking inside the windows of boogies to check if there were any people. All of a sudden the lights inside the train went off. Same thing happened to lights on the platform. Yes yes yes, they were there, not the people, but the shining eyes were all over the boogies. I jumped back and saw same eyes all over the other platforms. My heart skipped it's beat simultaneously. Those shining eyes got down from the slowly moving train and surrounded me from all sides. There were atleast 1000 of them. Were they humans, zombies, aliens? So many things got into my mind. I sat down and started praying Lord SHIVA.

         The power was back, entire station was lit up. Then I noticed, it wasn't zombies, humans but it was dogs. Yes yes it was monstrous dogs. They were at least 7 ft tall and had a huge body. Dogs were all diseased. I could tell by the looks of it. Surely they were infected with something which made them grew so tall and monstrous. Dogs had killed all the people in train. But nothing could quench their hunger. I was a tiny meal to them. But still they didn't want to spare even tiniest of meal. Nobody apart from lord SHIVA could save me now.
One of the monstrous dog.

           Yes, the miracle happened, Lord answered my prayers. Long (machete) fell in front me. I'm sure it was sent by lord whom I adore more than anybody. I got hold of long (machete). And then…
Long in my hand.

          I woke up. Long, Lord Shiv, mall, movie, dogs,majestic had been a part of my dream. These dreams never changed and had become a part of my life from past 3 years. Huh it was such a tense moment in dream. I sighed in relief to come out of it!!!

         I came out of my tent in ITPL. It was one of the camps in bengaluru. It had around 150 people in it. Whole I.T area had turned into mini farm land. We grew necessary crops for our living. There were 3 camps in Bengaluru at different places. There was no communication between camps. Oops.. Sorry!!! I almost had forgot to tell you what had happened to Bengaluru. The dream which I told you earlier, was actually a reality. It was reality story in my dream. Story goes like this.

         Few years ago as we all know, Bengaluru had turned into garbage hub. People blamed government and vice versa. Nobody cared including me. All nearby villages stopped taking Bengaluru waste. Garbage piled up and toxic industrial wastes also got mixed. Dogs had a gala time seeing the garbage. That's when virus started spreading through the dogs. Since they were in direct contact with the wastes, they had lost their immunity. Virus spreading became so bad that they grew monstrous and started eating humans due to insufficient food. Seeing this, all the nearby districts had caged Bengaluru and some built walls to protect themselves from virus. No people were allowed to cross city limits. We were occasionally supplied food from air means. This is the Bengaluru story now. Very sad state.
Some random pics

          Our means of time pass was monster dog hunting. We did this to reduce the virus spread. Initially all the dogs were caged inside the cricket stadium. So they could kill themselves for food. But some of them were so strong, they looked like Jurrasic movie dinosaurs and escaped. We had no choice other than killing all of them. Trust between people was no more other than people within camps. Every camp thought that their camp was healthiest and others were infected. We didn't have means to prove them wrong. So as expected all 3 camps had their own walls to protect from dogs and other camps invasion. It was a wall within a wall types. Neither outside world helped us nor inside people in other camps.
           All the visiting places of Bengaluru had vanished inside the garbage waste. Place near Yeshwantpur had the tallest garbage waste piled up. We could see it from far distance. Place near Electronic City had the highest collection of e-wastes. All famous parks, lakes, malls, shopping areas, pubs, eat outs were left in ruins. Bengaluru which was supposed to be the next big thing in the planet had gone into a vegetative state. It's hard to imagine "pensioner's paradise "," silicon valley "," IT/BT city ","Garden city",  " startup capital " to be in this state : (

          The next morning we woke up and started to prepare for hunt. As we were preparing, we saw 3 helicopter flying over one of the camps. They actually had landed on our soil. We were thrilled, the only reason for them to land was for human evacuation. We all jumped in joy. My 1st thought as soon as we get evacuated was to eat "egg fried rice". My happiness grew bigger when I saw the helicopters take off from 1st camp and land on 2nd camp. But , wait… how could 3 helicopters carry people from both the camps. My joy turned down quickly. I could see yellowish smoke coming out of 1st camps. It started to frighten all of us. One of the military person in our camp could make out that they were not coming for evacuation and told us to run out of camp. I quickly grabbed him asked what's happening. He said that they were using carbon monoxide. Same one used in during WW2 in Auschwitz chambers to kill people. The world didn't want to take any chance. Earth's biggest organization(which I noticed from the logo on helicopter) had ordered to completely kill all the living things in Bengaluru. 1st one was us.

          Helicopters reached our camps within no time. Military personnel got down and started to gas the area. I could see people dying instantly and was on the run. Few military guys chased  and caught me. They were well covered from head to toe. And one of them asked to bring gas pipe to kill. I had no way to go. I sat on my knees, started my last prayers. Thanked GOD for everything. But my last wishes of eating egg fried rice was gone. Military guy turned on the gas lid. Yellow colored gas started to surround me. And….
                      that's when my mom scolded me to go out of the room since she was spraying "mosquito spray ".

           Ooh no !!!! it was actually an another dream. I got up quickly, got ready and went for a ride around my area. It was all the same. People joyfully walking, senior citizens laughing in the park, children playing in ground. I quickly had to do another work. Went to nearby hotel, ordered egg fried rice. The satisfaction in seeing my meal was tremendous.

        And mainly , the realization I got if waste management was not addressed in a proper manner by both government and its citizens was very helpful. People, government should understand the growing needs of the hi-tech city which supposedly will become the next major talked in our planet. Nobody would be suggesting anyone to follow certain procedures of waste management. Every one should understand and do their bit. These were the things that continuously ran in my mind when I was munching over my meal. Feeling completely satisfied with meal, I came out and started my vehicle. The place suddenly grew darker and people started shouting. Within few seconds, I was surrounded by…

              SHINING EYES!!!!!!!!!!!

Lesson learnt - " Don't think, act now !!!!!!"

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