Saturday 17 October 2015


Mahendra ran to nearest internet cafe. VTU final year results were announced. He saw the results, had flunked in 2 subjects. His anxiety turned into sadness, depression. Got dejected and didn't know how to tell his parents who had high hopes of his results. He then decided not to go home and went to nearest park instead, to decide his next course of action.

Park was full of people, at first he saw senior citizens who were doing laughing exercise. Next one were a group of mid-age aunties who were discussing about next day's food preparation. That's the only thing which matters to them. Next he saw a youngster running. By looks of it he was an IT employee, tummy said it all. Mahendra could see some children playing with no worries in their face and at last, some time pass lovers holding their seats at every corners of park. Needless to say what they were doing.

He sat down on one of the benches and started thinking about his future. First thought which came to his mind was committing suicide. Second was to run away. Third was to tell his parents the truth. It was a hard choice for him. He decided to ask for suggestions since park had all generations of people. He went towards senior citizens and called them, they were meditating after laughing exercise, they didn't even hear him. He then went towards the aunties who had started their conversation about yesterday's mega serials. He felt it was of no use in asking them since even they wouldn't reply. As he was approaching IT guy, the IT 'ian got call from his manager was shouting saying there were major issues. So IT guy started rushing towards home. The left ones were children who had no idea what he was going through and lovers who didn't care what he was going through. So he decided to dump the "asking suggestions" part and sat down in the middle of the park.

An old man who looked like park guard came to mahendra and told him to go home since the park had some paranormal activities during night times. Mahendra wondered why the guard is warning him and not others. His sadness turned into fear. He went near the aunties to warn them but they couldn't hear a thing what he said. Same happened with other people. He tried to touch them but his hands went through them. He was shocked. Mahendra's mom had told him that an old guy had committed suicide there, before the park was built. It didn't take much time for him to realize who surrounded him.

He hid behind a tree. A laughing senior citizen came towards him. And a child playing, went through his legs simultaneously. All the dogs nearby started growling. Mahendra was full in shiver and started running towards entrance. He was being followed by many park inmates. He now had nothing in his mind other than reaching home. All his exam failure fears had turned to ghostly fears. He jumped the compound wall. And began to run towards home.

At few feet distance he could see police following. He thought police might think him as thief and police also started honking the siren. Now the ghostly fear was turned into police fear. Even if he told police, the reason for running,he knew they wouldn't listen. He jumped over few compounds from nearby house to take shorter route to his house. In the next road, he saw some rowdies holding "long"(machete) and killing a man. He was terrified on seeing that. He still had to run 400 meters to run.

By the time mahendra reached home, he had realized that to tell parents about his results were far easier than all situations he had faced in past few hours. He opened the door and sighed relief on seeing his parents. He said about his result and also said he would do better in supplementary exams. Mahendra's mom was unmoved by his words. She sat in one corner and tears were rolling out of her eyes. Mahendra called his parents twice but they couldn't hear. He tried to hug his dad, but his hands went through them also. Even his mom couldn't feel his touch.

 Mahendra didn't know what was happening and started yelling, but no luck. His parents still couldn't hear him. As soon as he turned towards his room, he saw his photo hanging on the wall with a candle burning in front of it. And his photo was completely covered with garlands.

Yes, indeed Mahendra had died few days ago. Those people in the park were not the ghost. It was Mahendra himself. That was the reason no one could see, hear him. And the police who he thought were behind him were not chasing him. They were in search of rowdies.

Let me tell his story, Mahendra was an final year engineering student who was average in studies. He managed to pass in all competitive exam but not with flying colors. The reason was simple, "fear". Simple for many of us but it was most horrific thing for him. The reason for his fear, may be parental pressure . He couldn't accept failure. He took up all his exams with fear, not only exams but all important decisions. During his final year exams his fear had increased immensely. Because of which he couldn't fare better in exams and had flunked. After seeing the results he didn't know how to tell to his parents, he went to nearby park and committed suicide in the same park where an old man had died. This is the brief story of Mahendra.

By the time Mahendra realized his mistake, he had turned to a soul with no body. One thing we learn from this is, failure is temporary and suicide is not an option at all. And secondly, fear is a disease, cure it and overcome it. Different people have different kinds of fears like some have fear of exams, traveling, insects, animals, meetings. Some have Monday blues, fear of new things, new ideas. Some are even scared of being photographed. Even Bruce Wayne had fear of bats. He overcame it and rest is history.

Some simple methods are to get an expert doctor advice, talk to your parents and make them understand about your problems. Talk to your friends, I know most of them laugh at your fears, ignore them. Talk to friends who really understand you. Do some mind relaxing exercises and have a joyful life.

Uffff am already in fear thinking whether you people like my new writing or not.

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